Latest News 2010 June Chris Klein Will Have to Serve Jail Time if Convicted of DUI

Chris Klein Will Have to Serve Jail Time if Convicted of DUI

According to the Los Angeles City Attorney's office, if Chris Klein is convicted of driving under the influence, he will have to serve a mandatory sentence of four days in jail. 

This is the second time the actor has been charged with DUI.  Klein, who is 31, was charged with drunk driving and convicted in 2005. 

On June 16th, the actor was spotted weaving between traffic lanes at around 3:00 AM.  At the time of his arrest, police say that Klein's blood alcohol content was three times the state's limit of 0.08%.

Last week, Klein checked into a rehab facility.  Due to a recent change in California law, he may be subjected to a breath check every time he wants to start his car.  The law targets repeat DUI offenders.

His arraignment has been scheduled for July 9th.

Charged with DUI?  Now is the time to discuss your case with a skilled DUI lawyer who can help you get the outcome you desire.
