Latest News 2011 July Heartburn May Cause Skewed Breath Test Results

Heartburn May Cause Skewed Breath Test Results

When you are pulled over on suspicion of drunken driving, you will be asked to take a blood-alcohol test to determine your level of intoxication. While this has proven to be a reliable method of testing one's alcohol content, there are circumstances under which you can prove that your BAC test results are inaccurate.

One reason why the results may have been skewed is if you have a known history of heartburn. When you are asked to take the breath test, the electronic device used will measure the alcohol present in the air in your lungs. However, when you suffer from heartburn, acid reflux or GERD, the alcohol can move back from your stomach to your mouth. The machine will then read alcohol in your mouth plus your lungs, and could possibly give an escalated reading.  This could ultimately skew the results of your breath test unintentionally.

If you know that the results of your breath test were wrong, call a DUI attorney now. Explain the details of your arrest to the attorney as well as your concerns so you can challenge the breath test as evidence.
