Latest News 2011 May DUI Arrests in the State of California

DUI Arrests in the State of California

If you have been arrested in California for the first time, there are several things to keep in mind.

Do not delay in taking care of your DUI. While you may want to forget about the difficult experience, you will need to start thinking about the legal ramifications and how you intend to deal with them. If you do not take the time to learn more about your DUI, you could face more serious charges like a suspended license, paying large fines, and even another DUI if you are not careful.

You have ten days to schedule an administrative hearing about your DUI. This must be done with the DMV and will prevent your license from being suspended until your hearing. At the hearing, you will learn more about your DMV and future driving restrictions, if any, that apply to you.

Facing DUI charges?  Don't wait to discuss your case with a DUI attorney who can help you during your criminal case and DMV hearing.
