Featured News 2013 Your Body, Alcohol & DUI Charges

Your Body, Alcohol & DUI Charges

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, finding a skilled and aggressive DUI attorney is in your best interest to fight for your rights and your future. Use our website to locate one of these attorneys in your area, you won't regret it! When fighting a DUI charge, your attorney will be skilled into his specific area in order to provide you with the proper defense; however, having a little knowledge on your own is also very beneficial as well. If you were arrested for drunk driving after dinner with some friends, you may be very concerned as to why your breathalyzer test read above the legal BAC limit even though you didn't think you had too much to drink. There are many factors that go into how our body physically interacts with the substance of alcohol, which is why in most court cases a toxicologist will be used as an expert witness to discuss the scientific factors of your case.

When dealing with the body and alcohol, in a way you can compare it to a car and a tank of gas. If you fill up your car with gas and drive it will eventually burn up the gas. The same goes with your body, if you drink alcohol, the amount in your bloodstream largely depends on the speed of absorption as well as how fast your body is able to eliminate it. The majority of your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels depend on the absorption rate as opposed to how fast your body eliminates it. essentially, if the rate of absorption in your body is slower, then you won't feel the kick of the alcohol as much as you would if your body quickly soaked it up.

Absorption is pretty simple, it basically means that when you swallow alcohol of some sort it will go through your gastrointestinal tract: down the mouth, through the esophagus and the stomach into your small intestine. Depending on how quickly the alcohol slides down this tract determines the rate of your absorption. And depending on the state of your body at the time of consumption will determine a lot with how quickly you feel the high of the drink. Many people have heard that you should never drink alcohol on an empty stomach, the reason behind this is because if there is no food to slow down the process in your stomach it will move to your small intestine more quickly and then you will feel the high faster.

For the majority of people, your body will feel the effects of 60% of the alcohol after a half an hour and then about 90% within the hour; after 90 minutes you will experience 100%. This is for the average person however, assuming that they are drinking normal drinks and have some food in their stomach. If the person is much smaller in height and weight, and there is little or no food in their belly; they will feel the high much more quickly than a grown man after dinner would.

The elimination process occurs first through oxidation and then through perspiration, urine and your breath. The oxidation process; however, accounts for the majority of how your body eliminates the alcohol (90-95%). Depending on the health of your liver, your body then forms water and carbon dioxide creating a gas that is then exhaled out of your body. If you are a habitual drinker, then your body will not be affected by alcohol as quickly as someone who has never consumed it before. In summary, how your body is affected by alcohol depends on the type of drink consumed, how much, as well as your physical size and weight and the health of your body among many other factors. If you are arrested for a DUI, contact a defense attorney immediately for the defense you need!

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