Featured News 2014 Coach Charged With DUI & Reckless Endangerment

Coach Charged With DUI & Reckless Endangerment

A cross-country assistant coach and math teacher from South Carolina was charged with driving under the influence after being pulled over for erratic driving. There were seven students in her vehicle at the time of the arrest.

Coach Transporting Students Driving Erratically

The coach was driving the students to a girl's cross-country meet hosted by a nearby high school. She was pulled over in a Chevrolet Suburban belonging to the school district after South Carolina Highway Patrol had received multiple calls about a reckless driver. A police officer that caught up to the vehicle noted that the car was straddling lanes of traffic, swerving over the fog line, and had almost collided with another car.

When stopped, the women smelled of alcohol. She denied having any alcohol, but failed a field sobriety test and refused to take a breath test. Law enforcement charged the coach with driving under the influence and reckless endangerment of children.

The students in the car were taken to the police department to await pickup from their parents after Charleston County Department of Social Services was notified of the arrest. The coach was placed on administrative leave from the school and will no longer coach the cross-country team while the incident is investigated.

Child Endangerment in South Carolina

A person can be charged with child endangerment in South Carolina if the driver is over 18 years of age and has passengers under the age of 16 in the car. This is a separate charge from a DUI.

In addition to DUI fines and penalties, a person charged with child endangerment can face:

  • Fine of up to half of the DUI charge,
  • Imprisonment of up to half of maximum jail time for the DUI,
  • 60 day license suspension, and
  • 60 day restriction on applying for a provisional license
  • Enrollment in the Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program.

A child endangerment with DUI conviction can be severely damaging. If a person has been charged with this crime, it is important to build a solid defense. Contacting a DUI attorney is the first step to help ensure these charges do not have a lasting impact.

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