Featured News 2015 Most Common Mistakes Made in a DUI Case

Most Common Mistakes Made in a DUI Case

What to Avoid When Faced with DUI

There is no universal way to handle DUI arrests, and there may be a number of circumstances surrounding your arrest that do not apply in other cases. Different facts, evidence, prosecutors, and judges can each have a significant impact on the final outcome of the case. In addition, what you do, say, wear, and how act during and after your arrest can impact the way the court tries your case.

Knowing that the most common mistakes people make when arrested for DUI can prevent you from making the same ones.

For example, you should avoid doing the following:

  • Allowing the Department of Motor Vehicles to suspend your license without attending an administrative hearing to keep your license
  • Going into trial without an attorney, the proper evidence to support your claims, and knowledge of the law and court procedures
  • Failing to show up for a court date that has been established
  • Pleading guilty to charges with the intent of getting the trial over with
  • Hiring an attorney that is not equipped to bring the case to court but is a low-cost option
  • Driving with a license that has been suspended
  • Treating the charge of DUI as though it will not affect your job, finances, and future
  • Accepting the first plea bargain offered by the prosecution without negotiation

In most cases, the best thing that anyone accused of DUI can do is hire an experienced and qualified DUI attorney. A DUI attorney can held make sure that you do not miss any applicable court dates or attend them on your behalf, compile and present evidence at the DMV hearing, and negotiate with the prosecution to secure an outcome that is in your best interests.

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