Ali & Blankner
member since: December 2011

Ali & Blankner

Orlando DUI Defense Attorney
Ali & Blankner
(407) 680-2147
217 Northeast Ivanhoe Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32804

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 9 AM-5 PM
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Every Orlando DUI attorney at the law offices of Jaeger, Ali & Blankner is a board certified criminal trial specialist who has been recognized the Marindale-Hubbell rating system as preeminent in the field of criminal defense and DUI law. When it comes to securing DUI defense to combat the charges that have been made against you there is likely no better firm to turn to for help than Jaeger & Blankner. Proud members of the Florida Bar Association, the National Association of Criminal Defense, the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and the Central Florida Criminal Defense Association, the team is highly knowledgeable and skilled in all matters related to DUI, including underage DUI, first time DUI, multiple DUI, and leaving the scene. If you are looking to avoid the penalties of a DUI conviction then you should not hesitate to contact an Orlando DUI lawyer for aggressive implementation of the defense tactics necessary to fight charges related DUI & drugs or DUI with personal injury. For all of your needs, you can soundly rely on the steadfast services provided by a defense lawyer from the firm. Call today for a free initial consultation.

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