Latest News 2012 March Randy Travis Pulled Over for DUI

Randy Travis Pulled Over for DUI

Country singer Randy Travis was arrested the morning after the Super Bowl in Texas. Last week the police department released the footage of his arrest to the media. When police found the singer, he was asleep behind the wheel outside of a church. They tapped on the window to get his attention before the arresting officer realized who he was. The officer noted that an open bottle of wine sat next to the singer, prompting the arrest.

Rather than go quietly, Travis did not allow the officers to detain him without a struggle. Video footage of the incident shows that the singer was yelling expletives while being led to the patrol car. Recently arrested for driving under the influence? Discuss your legal rights as a defendant with a DUI attorney that has experience representing clients with similar charges and that is committed to helping you avoid conviction.

Categories: DUI, DUI/DWI Arrests
