Latest News 2011 April Ice Cream Man Arrested for DUI

Ice Cream Man Arrested for DUI

An ice cream man in the Tampa Bay, Florida area has reportedly been arrested for driving his truck while drunk. The man also reportedly almost hit a child in the incident. The ice cream truck driver was pulled over after police were notified of the situation. Officers then reportedly found two open bottles of whiskey in the truck. His blood alcohol level was reportedly measured at almost three times the legal limit.                

You need to understand what to expect when you are charged with a DUI because the circumstances can be quite serious. You may face jail time, heavy fines, license suspension and other consequences that will affect your personal and professional life. It’s important that your drunk driving case is handled properly so that your rights are protected during this time.

You can resolve this matter in a beneficial way if you know how to approach your case with the help of a lawyer. With the help of a DUI attorney, you can begin to move forward with your case and your life. You can count on a drunk driving lawyer to always have your best interest in mind while protecting your rights. It’s in your best interest to work with a drunk driving attorney who will know how to deal with DMV hearings and court proceedings. Contact a DUI lawyer today to begin discussing your case.
Categories: DUI
