More Videos From Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry

Involved in an Auto Accident Fatality?

If you have been involved in an automobile accident and someone dies, you could be put in front of the DMV for a fatality hearing. If you have been involved in a tragedy like this, contact our law ...
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Fighting for you at your DMV Hearing

You must act quickly if you have been charged with a DUI. Virginia L. Landry can help you win your DMV Hearing, and keep your license.
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The DUI Court

The DUI Court is a pilot program in California. If you are a second or third offender, it is possible that you can go to DUI Court instead of custody.
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DUI under the age of 21

Orange County DUI Queen, Virginia L. Landry speaks about DUI under the age of 21. The prosecutors are more harsh in their penalties on those under 21 charged with a DUI.
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DUI & Suspended License Charges mean jail time.

If you are convicted in Orange County of a DUI with a suspended license, depending on the length of time your license was suspended will effect jail time, fines & other changes in life.
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(949) 585-7400
23046 Avenida De La Carlota Suite 125
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

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