Featured News 2020 When Drinkers Overpour

When Drinkers Overpour

Could the shape, size, and type of container used to hold your alcohol affect how much you drink?

Researchers at Iowa State University and Cornell University revealed that many people will overpour their beverage and drink far more than a regular serving, even if they believe they're drinking moderately. What's more, how much they pour could be affected by the shape of the glass.

The study, published in the medical journal Substance Use and Misuse, discovered that most participants would pour 12% more wine into a wide glass than they would into a narrow one. Participants in the study also poured 12% more wine into a glass that they were holding as opposed to one placed on a table.

In addition to the shape of the glass, the color contrast of the glass and the beverage also affected how much a person poured. Individuals would overpour wine into a clear glass by 10%. After participants in the study were informed of their habits, this did not do much to change their behavior, which researchers believe indicates that the overpouring is somewhat intentional.

One scientist who participated in the study says that many consumers just don't know how much they drink. This is because when people buy a bottle of wine to share, it is difficult to know just how much each person has consumed. People also tend to pour on top of wine that is still in the glass, so this can make it difficult to keep track of how much they're drinking.

Bartenders Have a Tendency to Overpour as Well

Even bartenders make similar mistakes when they are pouring beverages. Many bartenders measure the amount of alcohol in a glass by height. When a glass is wide, an individual may get more alcohol simply because a bartender will measure the glass the same as a narrower one, despite the wider glass having more volume.

Many wine marketers take advantage of tendency by packaging their product in containers that allow and encourage self-pouring. Wine marketers also promote the use of wider and shorter glasses, resulting in individuals consuming more wine.

Wine isn't the only beverage that is commonly overpoured. Mixed drinks served in pitchers are commonly overpoured, especially when the drink does not contrast with the color of the glass. Consumers concerned about their alcohol intake should take care to measure how much they consume per drink. Beer, which is normally served in premeasured containers, doesn't normally pose a problem for consumers unless it is served in a pitcher form.

Here are some ways you can prevent overpouring:

  • Use narrower glasses
  • Make a mental note of how many times you've poured alcohol
  • Never pour on top of a drink that is already in the glass
  • Put a glass on the table before pouring
  • Use darker alcohols, such as red wine, which tend to be poured more moderately
  • Serve from a translucent container

All of this research can prove to be valuable for drivers, as you may not be aware how much alcohol you consumed at a restaurant or party due to overpouring.

If you are arrested for a DUI, contact a DUI defense lawyer near you to seek representation in your case!

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