Featured News 2012 Driving Under the Influence of Food?

Driving Under the Influence of Food?

Police are relentless when it comes to drinking alcohol and driving. If you are caught drinking and driving you will be issued fines, a possible license revocation, and may even be given a short jail sentence. Yet when you are caught eating and driving, there's not much that the highway patrol can do. Any sort of distracted driving can become a safety obstacle, and with one eye on the road and the other on a hamburger, a driver may put himself and others in grave danger.

Since the advent of drive-throughs, eating in the car has become a popular pastime. Some fast food restaurants even have lap mats, so that people can operate their vehicle while chowing down. 65 percent of all drivers out on the road admit that they don't mind eating while behind the wheel. Yet this can become a dangerous distraction. People are especially at risk to unsafe distracted driving if they are eating something messy that causes them to look down frequently.

People should never eat sloppy foods like soups, salads, or anything that requires the careful use of a utensil. As well, a driver should not eat anything that requires both hands, such as a large sandwich. The New York Daily News compiled a list of the most dangerous foods to eat while driving. On their small list, they included tacos, hot wings, chocolate, ribs, fried chicken, jelly doughnuts, chili dogs, and burgers.

Normally, drivers can be safe and still snack with a small bag of crackers or a standard-sized sandwich, but make sure that whatever food you bring in your car is basic and safe. Also, never eat anything that is too hot. Imagine driving along with a fresh-out-of-the-oven piece of pizza, when the cheese slides off and onto your leg. The hot item could result in a severe burn, and in pain you may swerve, brake, or make some other maneuver that is dangerous and debilitating. This could result in serious accident. Also, there are times when a driver will eat his food and a pickle will slip out of the burger, or an onion ring may fall out of the bag and onto the floor. Many times without thinking, a driver will bend down to retrieve the fallen item, but in a few seconds, he may be confronted with a head-on collision.

While police can't pull you over for eating, they can ticket you for a reckless or dangerous driving. According to one news source, the California Highway Patrol is tightening their enforcement on distracted driving. This can be anything, from sipping on a beer (which is illegal) to snacking on a granola bar. If it causes you to drive unsafe, then you can receive a ticket. One CHP officer warns that "eating a sandwich is not going to get you a ticket, but it will if you are tail gating."

According to the New York Daily News, eating while driving may cause up to 80 percent of all car accidents. While this may seem like a shocking statistic, the fact seems to be holding true. The national Highway Safety Association says that distractions like eating can become a serious issue for a driver who is not paying attention. These drivers are too engrossed in their meal to notice brake lights on the freeway or a sudden curve in the road.

Many drivers make the excuse that they need to multitask. They may just have too much going on to be able to eat later. While there may be times that eating in the car is the only option, especially if you are getting dizzy from lack of food, you should choose something like a granola bar, or a small baggie of chips. This way, you can keep your hand on the wheel and your eyes on the road while snacking. When possible, avoid eating anything on the road and wait until you get to your destination to chow down.

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